What is The Gospel Heritage Ministries?
The Gospel Heritage Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit Christian Religious and Charitable organization, functioning under the direction of its Board of Directors.
It is the desire of the Directors of The Gospel Heritage Ministries to engage in charitable Christian religious activities.
The charitable activities are very useful to enable us to engage with Christians and non-Christians in conversations so that they may know the love of Christ, and to draw them to listen to the Gospel.
The Purpose of The Gospel Heritage Ministries
- To accomplish the Great Commission that God has given, for reaching the lost souls, helping/teaching the believers who have strayed to the true biblical doctrines.
- To channel funds to the designated areas/fields of Ministry.
- To support the ministries of soul winning and Church planting.
- To organize revival meetings through the local churches for their growth and expansion of their ministries.
- To supervise the works, for which the funds are supplied, as designated by the donors or sponsors and to report the progress and completion of work.
A Word from the Director
Thank you for stopping by the Gospel Heritage Ministries website! I am glad you took a moment!
The Gospel Heritage Ministries is established with a primary purpose to reach both believers and unbelievers. For the believers to encourage them in their Christian living, and for the unbelievers to share the goodnews of Jesus Christ so that they would have eternal life as Christ Jesus promised.
My desire is to reach people not only with the Word, but also with charitable activities. Because, these activities will help us "connect" with other individuals and communities.
I believe the establishment of connection and a relationship is important prior to engaging in sharing the Truth. In other words, to establish "trust" factor.
Please pray and be a part of this ministry!
The Projects

Content Publication
Our desire is to write and publish Gospel tracts, doctrinal tracts, and applicational content from the Scripture on how one ought to live a life that will glorify God.

Drinking Water Wells
One way to reach the people is to provide them with a solution for their need. By providing drinking water, we will reach the people with the love of God.

Church Building
Building a visible Church would provide a place for the Christian community to worship the Lord in one place. The building offers not only a place to worship but also shelter.
Pastoral Seminars

Every year in October, we would like to have a pastoral seminar for a week, where pastors from our State in India are invited to participate in teaching and to preach to our pastors.
Why this ministry? God's people need encouragement from the Word. Specifically, pastors must be reminded what the Bible says about the office of Pastor and how one ought to carry out the mission that God has called them to do.
Pastoral ministry isn't easy. It is complicated. There may be times where a pastor needs to be encouraged, and times where one should appreciate for the effort he puts in to win souls for Christ.
For this reason, we hope to conduct pastoral seminars every year, inviting a team of pastors or a pastor to come and preach/teach the Word to us. The Pastoral Seminar is a form of discipleship or mentoring.